KA1N3R: Emma>Emma>Emma
JacksParanoidAndroid: One might say – it’s quite a dil-emma.
redbluegreenyellow4: Who am I to be picky? Either of the three would be great.
jackalman2000: Threesome with all of them please ill be nice and just watch
mygflikestoshare: Left
Moonspell83: Right
CrediblyHandsome: Thompson for us older guys.
tricksterson: 1, 2, 3
zeke73: 2-3-1
ISF5: 2-1-3
ImSomebodyNow: MKF
ChefDanG: In the name of the hotness, the sexiness and the downright gorgeousness, Amen.
Buddah1999: 3 1 2
barto5: Well, two out of three ain’t bad.
smooviesmoove: KFM
ClericPreston815: Emma Stone is overrated looks-wise. Emma Watson is clearly the hottest one of the three.
AZDiablo: mmmm i’ll be the meat in an upper decker Emma sandwich.
11_RMA: Fuck Emma, Kill Emma, Marry Emma
pm_me_sexy_celebs: God bless.
Dirkdiggler504: Emily>Emma>emma> for me
Pm_Ur_Birthdaysuit: Emma