Randym1221: I zoomed in , but not at the tattoo.
GodsGift420: r/datbuttfromthefront
spinnaker989: What tattoo?
randomcomicbookfan: Source https://www.instagram.com/p/BgektFKB6Ub/
nickvtorres: Ah i see she has finally learned the arts of teasing.
Calaban007: Tattoo?
kingcheddar: I thought it was gonna be dickbutt from the thumbnail lol
TheAceofWands: OMG this picture is scandalously amazing.
713throwaway317: Is she married?
Edit: [Engaged to Joe Jonas] (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAHPZT_enUS674US674&ei=tB-vWvSTBKyVjwTY45PwDA&q=sophie+turner+and+joe+jonas+engagement&oq=sophie+turner+and+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.4.0i67k1j0j0i67k1j0l7.7807.8858.0.13051.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..7.2.552….0.eHuxLT8tS-8)
GALACTICA-Actual: This guy’s work is horrible. The one he did on Jonas looks like it was done in the kitchen of a double-wide in a Kentucky holler.
nickvtorres: WYCSTVTTU/
jChristianv: Those lips I imagine to be the perfect tone of pink.
Oh the tattoo? Yeah it’s nice..
Kickmekicku: That tattoo is hideous
nickvtorres: Still more than what we’ll never get on Game of Thrones
Shanenlola: Tatoo? What tatoo…
heleneto: I feel like this should be tagged nsfw
DonLaFontainesGhost: Maisie? Showing where she should lay her head?